About Us

We had been hosting palace for over 14 years, now wih our PalaceChat4 software we offer more tools to make your visitors chat time more enjoyable, video rooms, movie rooms, flash games, music players, etc.

Our Mission

ElitePalaces is a hosting company owned and run by several people with more than 12 years of experience having the background to provide an excellent service and support.

At the moment ElitePalaces is hosting palaces, webs and radios, but if you want Us to host some other 2d chat sytem like manors or iPalaces we can do it with no problem, as a flexible and growing company we are open to add new services to fit all our clients needs.

Our lines have 100% uptime SLA and the only downtime we experience are rare router and machine crashes as well as scheduled reboots on servers to keep them upto date and secure. Each palace, manor, iPalaces or radio is given with it's own address within our domain (being able to use owns domains also), an example of which is

Each of our PalaceChat systems and radios comes with website space and e-mails (this is an on request service). Our web hosting requires you to own a domain name which we can provide at very low rates.

We have created different packets to match all clients needs supported by competitive prices and great tech support. If the service you need exceeds our hosting packages we can arrange a custom quote which will allow us to better serve your exact needs. Please email Us.

We belive change is the only constant in life, so we are proud to be a dynamic company looking always to improve our service in all ways possible.

Elitepalaces will keep trying to bring new life to Palace, we have already new projects on mind and we will keep working hard so all our clients and friends enjoy them palace experience!

A bit of History

On 2002 Alan Dean founded a new palace hosting company (fastpalaces) to offer better prices and options to the community, Alexandra became fastpalaces tech that same year.

On August 2005, after some years of work, Alan decided to offer 1/3 part of the company to Alexandra, and we turned from fastpalaces to ElitePalaces.

We kept improving our panel, servers and service, making ElitePalaces the bigger and more stable palace hosting commpany, while Alan bussines (coreix) started growing up, so in June 2007 Alexandra got 100% of the company.

The next years we kept trying to improve our services offering exclusive tools, like the purge that helps our clients to do the props maintenance.

In the last years, ElitePalaces had helped other palace hosting companies that was closing to kept giving service to them clients, moving them as part of elitepalaces network.

In the last 5 years, Palace had improved a lot of new things, and as always, ElitePalaces supports all the good proyects people starts for palace, like phalanx, openpalace (web client flash based) and PalaceChat4!

On october 2010, the palacechat programmer (pawn) decide to sell the system and we bought it to keep the project alive, pawn keeps being the project programmer improving the program functions and now we are the proud owners of the next generation of 2d client software compatible with the palace server.

On February 2015 Alexandra decided to redo the old borggen, making it 100% compatible with palacechat and making it part of elitepalaces web site, so the users can create new cyborgs with scripts that uses the new palacechat commands and handlers.